LUKKET | Åbner igen i morgen kl. 11:00
LUKKET | Åbner kl. 11:00
CLOSED | Opens again at 11:00
LUKKET | Åbner igen i morgen kl. 11:00
LUKKET | Åbner kl. 11:00
CLOSED | Opens again at 11:00

Become a benefactor


Support the Nivaagaard Collection and our acquisition of new works

In 1908, Johannes Hage, the founder of the Nivaagaard Collection, made up a will in which he bequeathed his private art collection to the public. The joy of giving is inextricably linked to the history of our museum, and you can take part in it by becoming a benefactor yourself.

The Nivaagaard Collection continues to acquire new works, primarily from the Danish Golden Age, which is why we need your help. Become a benefactor for as little as DKK 200.


Hvis du oplyser dit CPR-nummer eller CVR-nummer, kan du få et skattefradrag for din donation.

Vi indsamler dit CPR-nummer med henblik på at sende det til SKAT, så du kan modtage skattefradraget efter Ligningsloven § 8a. Herefter slettes CPR-nummeret. Vi videregiver ikke CPR-numre til andre og behandler det sikkert undervejs.

Fradragsværdien er ca. 26%, så et støttebeløb på 200 kr. koster reelt kun 148 kr. 


As a member of The Nivaagaard Collections sponsor group, you can sharpen your company’s profile and treat your employees and business connections to exciting experiences.

As a sponsor, you will receive the following:

  • Name/logo in the entrance hall
  • Your company mentioned on the website
  • 2 free annual passes for named individuals
  • 2 copies of the museum’s catalogues free of choice
  • Invitation with guest to the museum’s openings
  • Free use of the meeting room and other facilities by appointment (refreshments can be provided by the museum’s café)
  • 30 free tickets to the museum annually to be given to customers and business connections
  • Newsletters about activities at the museum
  • An annual guided tour

Furthermore, we offer a location for the company’s own events (product presentations, photo sessions, strategy meetings etc.) The terms for these are made separately and on favourable terms.

Annual sponsorship costs DKK 15,000 ex. VAT.

Museum sponsors


Fredensborg Kommune


Aage & Johanne

Louis-Hansens Fond

A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal

Arne V. Schleschs Fond

Augustinus Fonden


Det Obelske Familiefond

Konsul George Jorck

og Hustru Emma Jorck’s Fond

Knud Højgaards Fond

Ny Carlsbergfondet

Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen


Statens Kunstfond


Villum Fonden

15. Juni Fonden

  • Fredensborg Kommune

  • Bergiafonden

  • Aage & Johanne | Louis-Hansens Fond

  • A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal

  • Augustinus Fonden

  • Det Obelske Familiefond

  • Ny Carlsbergfondet

  • Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen

  • Statens Kunstfond

  • Villum Fonden


The Nivaagaard Collection is one of Denmark’s leading museums for Danish and international painting. The entirely unique collection is continuously supplemented with special exhibitions that enlighten themes or individual artists appealing to the broader public and professionals alike. The museum also houses a popular café. Located on the old coastal road in Nivå and in the beautiful old rhododendron garden, the museum is an uncontested pearl that attracts both international tourists and local visitors. Not least, the support from individuals and companies tied to northern Zealand is of great importance to the museum.

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